A lot of people ask us why or how we decided to adopt. Well that's a hard question to answer because it just sort of happened. Here's our story...
On Friday, November 11th I was doing my usual Facebook read and noticed a picture of a little boy looking for a family, his name was "Trent." There was something about Trent that I just couldn't shake, every time I looked at his picture I had this feeling that he was supposed to be a part of our family. (Now just to clarify James and I had not talked about adoption in at least a year. Before that when we had discussed adoption our conversation always ended with...we'll think about it again when our kids are older.) Throughout the rest of the day and through the weekend I was having trouble getting Trent out of my head but I just kept thinking...we're not adopting until our kids are older. So Sunday evening rolls around and we were finishing up with dinner and the kids left the table to go play and here's how our conversation went:
James: So I wanted to talk about something.
Andrea: Great, what is it?
James: I think we need to adopt and I think we need to do it now not when our kids are older.
(I had not mentioned Trent to wanting to adopt!!)
Andrea (laughing a bit): That's funny because I found a baby on Facebook and I think he's ours.
James: I wasn't really thinking of a baby, I was thinking of an older child.
Andrea: I know I wasn't thinking about a baby either but I found one anyway.
James: Well I guess I would be okay with a baby.
Andrea (slight giggle): There's one more thing...he's missing pieces.
James (a bit hesitant): What do you mean missing pieces?
Andrea: Well...he doesn't have any arms and but he does have one sort of formed leg and one maybe foot...I'm not sure exactly.
James: Ummm...I don't know about that...I'll have to think about it for a bit.
Andrea: Okay, I'll look into it more and see what I can find out.
....And that is how our decision to adopt was made and our journey began. Just incase you're wondering, we inquired about Trent the next evening and another family had already decided to adopt him. I'm not one to throw around "it was God's plan" lightly. BUT I'm not sure I've ever been so sure of anything as I am that THIS is God's plan for our family. We feel that Trent was there as an eye opener for us and without him this journey might not have started so soon.
Post By: Andrea
I am so excited that you took this journey. I am just now catching up on it. Our Journeys started similarly. When we lived in NM Bob was involved in a deaf club (he is slowly loosing his hearing and wanted to learn some sign) One of the ladies in that group had asked me to look something up. I clicked a wrong button and a picture of a little deaf boy who needed a home popped up. He was in Russia, and then right after that we got a new pastor, and his passion was Russian orphans. He had recently taken a trip to a facility for special needs and stuck a camera in. The video broke my heart. That started the long and convoluted journey that lead to Paulina. Then a phone call from a social worker about an domestic agency that had a family about to give birth to a child with no arms, the parents wanted to play him for adoption, but no families on the list wanted him. That led us to the long journey that ended with Marceli Joining our family. I think God often uses one child to kick start us into getting moving to get the child that is meant to be ours. Missing pieces don't matter and Scottish Rite is the best. I am so, so happy for you guys! - Lorraine (this is an alternate identity of mine