Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Travel Plans

So today we received some really great news. In less than twelve hours, we received our travel assignment and our consulate appointment. This means that we're all set to travel to China on Wednesday, August 15th and we should finally get to meet the boys the following Monday.

As you can imagine, we're very excited that the time has finally come for us to bring our children home.     More updates will be forthcoming in the coming days before we leave. In the meantime, we decided to get started digging...

Update: For those that have asked, the images below were supposed to give the illusion that we were in fact digging to China in order to pick up the boys. Alas, it seems I thought it was funnier than everyone else...epic fail.


  1. I seriously just love you guys.

  2. Oh! I get it! You know me....I'm on top of my game:-)...occasionally. So excited for you guys!!!!!

  3. Well, I'm definitely slow but the old brain finally got into gear. There will definitely be 2 radiant lights at the end of your tunnel shining brightly for their new family!! Sooo excited for all of you
