Tuesday, December 18, 2012


There are no words to express how grateful our family feels this holiday season.  Everyday we look at our family James and I can't believe what we see.  Andersen and Paige are huge piles of love and Parker and Xander love to be loved and love to laugh.  When we started this adoption journey there was no way we could have ever guessed how perfectly two more kids would fit into our family.  Each day our house is filled with a wonderful chaos of kids being monsters and chasing each other, to Parker pushing Andersen around on a rolly toy (yes, Parker pushes Andersen) to Paige teaching the boys how to give the best hugs and tickles and trying to teach them how to read :-)

Andersen and Paige are doing great in school and are enjoying their new roles with 2 new brothers.  Xander is doing wonderful.  He went to the Scottish Rite Hospital to have his hand checked out in October.  First, can I say what a FABULOUS place that is!  The doctor took some x-rays and decided to wait and see how his hand grows over the next year or so and wait and see how he uses it before we decide what treatment he will need, if any.  We were very pleased to hear that they were not going to do any surgeries just yet so that we can make sure we are making his hand work the best way possible for him instead of rushing into surgery to "fix" his hand.  Xander's favorite things to do are play with Andersen's toys and be chased around the house.  He also enjoys standing on Kirby (our dog) while trying to reach Andersen's toys.


Parker is also doing very good.  He had a birthday earlier this month and is now 2.  He is still very cautious of new people but is happy to hand out high-fives and knuckle bumps as long as you don't try to hold him :-)  He loves to hangout with Paige in her room and listen to her read books.  He also loves to dance anytime he hears music and he is super ticklish.  We are looking forward to his appointment at the Scottish Rite Hospital at the end of December.

We hope your Christmas is full of love!

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