Monday, April 29, 2013

Welcome Home New LEG!!

Today we went to Scottish Rite and picked up Parker's new leg, it's beautiful!  I was worried that after being without the leg for 2 weeks after learning to use it he might regress...but I was wrong.  Parker still loves to walk...a lot!  He is very proud of his leg and wanted to walk all the way out of the hospital and to the car (that takes a long time with a new walker).  Along the way Parker made new friends and enjoyed showing everyone we passed how good he was at walking.  He even was applauded on his way out of the hospital by the 5 or 6 volunteers at the front desk (that made me a bit teary).  I have to say that I LOVE Scottish Rite...have I mentioned that before?...I REALLY do!

This is Parker playing on the doctor's chair while waiting on his leg

Parker just hanging out reading a magazine...standing!

What's up ladies...that's right I have two legs!

Not a great video but I was trying to make a video to send to James while still holding Parker's hand.

When we went to pick up our other kids at our friends house Parker was ready to show everyone his skills.  He was still ready to walk when we got home so he walked around the backyard quite a bit this afternoon.  His favorite way to walk is to push a stroller, car or shopping cart with one hand and hold someone's hand with the other for a little added assurance.  He can also walk just holding one of my hands with the other free.  I can't wait to see how excited he will be when he has enough confidence to bust out on his own!

Come on Xander I can walk now too!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Successful Day 3 of Physical Therapy

Parker was a walking stud muffin today!  He started off the morning without fussing about wearing his leg and was ready to walk.  He showed his doctor and a room full of other doctors and students how great he could walk and enjoyed all of the attention.  We worked on how to get up from the floor with his leg and how to bend down and pick things up from the floor.  Our physical therapist said most of those skills he will learn and perfect once he is wearing his leg more often.  Here is a video of him walking to return his leg to the prosthetic department (about a 10 minute walk).

So today we returned his temporary leg and we go back to pick up his new leg on Monday the 29th, we can't wait!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Physical Therapy Day 2...Parker Walked!!!

Today was Parker's second day of physical therapy and his first session went great.  He didn't like putting on his leg but once he was distracted by the therapists iPad he was ready to play.  He cruised around the therapy table and tried pushing a shopping cart.  He still has quite a bit of trouble lifting his new leg but he did a great job of pulling it along today.  Yesterday he was easily frustrated when his leg wouldn't move with him but today he didn't seem to mind at all.

After today's first session we relaxed at the park before a nice nap and lunch.

After nap we had a fun time in the playroom again:

And in our second session...DRUM ROLL PLEASE..... Parker WALKED!!!

These are his first steps...

And this was at the end of our session today...

They are adjusting his foot for us so it won't turn in and then we get to take it home tonight to show the other kids!  Tomorrow we have our last 2 physical therapy sessions and then we wait about a week and then Parker will be able to bring home his leg!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 1 of Physical Therapy

Today Parker and I started physical therapy to teach us how to use and care for his new leg.  Scottish Rite provides a room for families during physical therapy so the babies can still nap during there sessions so they are more cooperative.  This is Parker after we checked into our room:

We will have 2 sessions each day starting today through Wednesday.  The first session today was to introduce him to his physical therapist and to let him look around and get comfortable in the room we'll be working in.  They have these big blue tables that can be raised and lowered to the height that works the best.  They brought out an assortment of balls and cars to get Parker interested in standing at the table with his leg.  He did good putting weight on his leg and trying to move around.  He was frustrated when he would try to scoot down the table and his new leg wouldn't get out of his way.  Overall it was a good session and he seemed okay with his leg by the end.

After physical therapy we went into the playroom and he enjoyed some relaxing floor play.

 After his nap he had some lunch and Mo Monkey tried on his leg:

Parker did good during his second session of physical therapy.  He cried at the beginning when we put his leg on again and took some convincing that toys were fun but then he found the cars again and the world was great.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Almost there...

This morning we got to see Parker stand up on two legs for the first time!  We had our second fitting for the socket to make sure the adjustments that were made worked out okay.  


Parker is still definitely not a fan of wearing his new leg but I'm sure his feelings will change once he realizes he can keep up with his brothers and sister.


This is Parker and I having a discussion abut the greatness of the leg.

The socket fit perfectly so our next step is to spend time at the hospital with the physical therapist and the doctor who is working on the prothesis.  We are scheduled to go next week Monday - Wednesday to learn all about caring for a prothesis and how to use it.  Then we will leave the leg at the hospital so they can make adjustments and make the leg we can bring home permanently.  We should have Parker's leg home in about 3 weeks, so exciting!!  But for now Parker would rather just hold his leg... :-)